Chamber Committees

The Chamber’s committees bring our members together and provides outreach to our community. As a member, working with a committee is a great way to network and meet people.

There is no obligation for a chamber member to serve on a committee – although, committee participation does give members the forum for input and action on issues impacting the business community while providing the opportunity for the member and/or employee to serve as an ambassador of their business.

Below you will find a list of our committees. Please contact the Chamber for more information about becoming involved with one or more of these committees.

Ambassador Club*

The Chamber Ambassador is an official representative appointed by the Belleville Chamber of Commerce to promote good will throughout the greater Belleville business and residential community, as well as increase awareness of the programs, services, and benefits of membership in the Chamber.

Belle-Scott Committee*

Mission: The Belle-Scott Committee, having been in existence for more than 60 years, has as its mission to foster and build relationships between Scott Air Force Base and the Belleville community. It has two components, the Military whom are selected from the 375th Airlift Wing (AMC) and the Civilian whom are selected by the Executive Committee of the Civilian Component.

Belleville Main Street

Mission:  The Belleville Main Street Committee is committed to renovation, economic growth, and business retention of downtown Belleville.  They work with downtown merchants, business leaders, active community members and the City of Belleville to revitalize downtown. 

Economic Development Committee

Mission: The mission of the Economic Development Committee of the Greater Belleville Chamber of Commerce is to create economic stability and growth in the city of Belleville and its surrounding communities; to retain and nurture existing businesses; to market and promote the region; to generate capital investment and job growth; and to serve as a resource center for new businesses to become integrated into the community.

Education Committee

Mission: Addresses the issues facing our educational system (both public and private) and assists the Chamber with promotion and instructional materials for relocation purposes of potential businesses and private individuals.

Government Affairs Committee

Mission: Addresses issues regarding county, state and local business issues in addition to presenting the “ISSUES & EGGS” Business breakfasts..

Healthcare & Community Service Agencies Committee

Mission: Addresses the needs of healthcare issues facing our community, while addressing the business aspects of the not-for-profit agencies. Provides monthly networking opportunities and information feedback from other not-for-profits.

INforM Committee

Mission: The INforM (Information and Networking for Members) committee addresses the needs of businesses by providing informational seminars, including monthly Coffee Cup Connections and Lunch & Learn Seminars as well as other educational seminars.

Leadership Belleville Committee*

Mission: The Leadership Belleville committee promotes and coordinates the Leadership Belleville Program, an annual training workshop series designed to develop community leadership and network through the Chamber, and growth of the Alumni Association for graduates.

PR/ Marketing Committee Meeting

Mission: Assists the Chamber in their efforts to market value-added benefits to the membership and assist the Chamber in fundraising activities, including the Belleville Ale Fest, Otto Golf Classic, Annual Dinner and Chili Cook-off.

*Committees with special requirements to be a committee member.