One of the most important tools in the world of business is the power of empowerment. Being empowered to take control, change and mold your life is one of the most important aspects for greater success. That is why on June 27, 2018 from 8am – 3pm, the Law Firm of Sandberg Phoenix & Von Gontard, P.C. and four Metro East Chambers will be holding their inaugural EmpowHER Women’s Conference at the Gateway Center in Collinsville. With the goals of EmpowHERing her for success, this conference will provide women in business with the tools, information, and support to expand their careers. Throughout the day multiple speakers will share their stories of success beginning at 9:45 a.m with Donna Moody. Donna will expand on the necessity of Diversity & Sensitivity Awareness while also dispelling the notion…
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On Wednesday, August 8th, 2018, the Chamber’s Education Committee will host their annual Back to School Fun Fair at Belleville West High School from 5 – 7 p.m. for participating Chamber member school (list below) students. Families in attendance will receive valuable information from our business leaders while participating in activities that will allow them to leave with a backpack full of school supplies in preparation for the new school year. The event will celebrate the new school year with games, activities with involvement from high school students and more. The Education Committee hopes to provide up to 1,000 backpacks for our school-age children. Sponsorships will be essential to the success of this event. Following are this year’s sponsorship levels: Backpack Sponsor – $1,000 • Company logo on Chamber website, newsletter, posters, slide show during event,…
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The purpose of the Leadership Belleville program is to provide community youth with the skills needed to excel in their future careers. Since 1999 the program has helped individuals embrace and enhance the characteristics needed to be an effective leader. The 2018 program will mark the twentieth year since the program was created and became a staple within the Belleville community. Over those twenty years the program has helped in developing a better Belleville. By working alongside the emerging leaders within the city, the Chamber has championed a community dedicated in providing positive change and community service. The program is a unique executive training program coordinated through the Belleville Chamber of Commerce. Ultimately, the purpose is to provide individuals with a feeling of personal confidence and leadership skills needed to achieve their long term goals….
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The national small business movement, Independent We Stand, announces the quarterfinalists, including Belleville Main Street, in the 2018 “America’s Main Streets” contest. As the lifeblood of our cities and towns, Main Streets play an important role in the long-term success of communities and help build a sense of place. Independent We Stand invites the public to vote for their favorite quarterfinalist and move a deserving Main Street one step closer to the grand prize of $25,000. “Belleville takes pride on the Mom and Pop shops in business for generations as well as the newer businesses offering fresh alternatives to big chain stores, states Alicia Chillemi Slocomb, Belleville Main Street Committee Manager. “Downtown Belleville’s growing loft community and adjacent architecturally significant neighborhoods provides residential living within walking distance of all we offer. And everything comes alive…
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The Chamber wants to honor our mother’s this Mother’s Day and needs your help! Submit a photo of you as a mom or the mother in your life no later than Monday, May 7 to Photos will be posted on the Chamber Facebook page on Mother’s Day.
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