Professional Development

  • Leadership Belleville: Leadership Belleville is a unique 9-month training program focusing on developing effective community leaders and expanding awareness and understanding of important community issues. To learn more about the program, visit the Leadership Belleville page.
  • Issues & Eggs Breakfast: These informative business breakfasts are held quarterly. The featured speakers address key issues concerning our business community. The event is generally hosted by the Government Affairs Committee.
  • Lunch & Learn Seminars: These monthly luncheon seminars are hosted by the INforM (Information and Networking for Members) Committee. The topics range from marketing, to HR issues, to learning how to make your PowerPoint presentations pop. The seminars are free and rotate between SWIC and Lindenwood University-Belleville.
  • Educational Workshops: Additional workshops are held throughout the year with topics ranging from learning Quickbooks to how to do business with Scott Air Force Base. Each workshop focuses on giving businesses tools for success.

The Chamber also hosts candidate debates, healthcare forums, etc. Visit our calendar to find the next educational event.